Every time I sit down to write a new blog I think, "Ugh! Not right now." Or, I start and forget some of what I want to say. I think I have three unfinished blogs waiting to be published. And that's how you get more than one subject in one blog. Since I wait to publish them I end up lumping them all together.
We aren't really teaching Crimson right now. Well, we are, but we aren't pushing it. Mostly she just wants to do whatever we are doing. Which is great!
Here's what's been going on with us:
We sold the Marshmallow. What? I already told you that? Oh. Well, there's still no sign of a new car yet. Hopefully that will get done after the new year.
My dad has been in and out of the hospital. That's not anything new, but has been going on for the past few months. That's what prompted our trip to Houston in the first place. Just when he seems to be doing better he has to go back in the hospital. Please pray for him. This is really hard for him. He's always been so healthy and active. He's chomping at the bit to go back to work, but that's just not a good idea right now. Maybe not ever. Yeah, it's that bad. He's not dying or anything, but it is that serious.
My sister-in-law has been in town. The one that lives in New Mexico. So, between holiday baking and visiting with them we've been really busy. You should see our pile of laundry. Actually, I hope you don't. It's sad. I'm able to get things clean, but not put away. But, at least it's all clean. I digress. I've really enjoyed hanging out with them. Jarrod's brother (her husband) came into town Sunday night, but is leaving today. He's going to preach in the Phillipines for 2.5 weeks. That's awesome! Too bad he has to leave on the day we are having our family Christmas, though.
I've been baking like crazy. Actually, I don't know if making candy is considered baking. I decided to put a goody basket together for all of the Wilson families. I made five different truffles (that's been my latest thing since I discovered it here), two different dipped pretzel sticks, s'more bites, and two different barks. I'm baked out. I'm so baked out that I'm only making two things for the family Christmas today. That's not normal people! I'm also not cooking tomorrow. A month ago I was really looking forward to cooking tomorrow. I started planning out a menu and everthing. But as time got closer, money got tighter, and I started baking more I lost my zeal. Now I just want to sleep. Which is what I should be doing right now while I have the chance. But then there will just be another blog that I wanted to write, but didn't.
Another thing that's been going on is homeschooling. We've decided to sort of officially start homeschooling. It's not technically official, because we haven't told the government and don't need to until Simeon is ready to start first grade. Right now he's considered a preschooler.
Here are some pictures of our first day. This isn't all we did, but it was a lot of fun.

So that's what's been going on with us.