We woke up around seven. After going to bed at almost two this was very early to us. But, we must move on. We made it to Flagstaff and stopped at Burger King for breakfast. Back on the road we went. From far away we saw Meteor Crater. We also saw a small ghost town. We made it to Farmington with barely enough time to get ready for church that evening. We ended up mostly getting ready on our way into Farmington. It's difficult to get dressed while the Marshmallow is moving. Church was great! We met some wonderful people. The kids had so much fun playing with their cousins that they didn't want to go to bed. Even though it was after one in the morning. But, to bed they went. Jarrod and I were utterly exhausted, so we slept really good.

I'm sure you all are wondering how everyone is doing with the trip.

Simeon loves it. He's an adventure seeking kind of kid. He's been enjoying sitting up front with his dad. We will let him sit in the back with us sometimes, oup on the the cabover. But, for the most part he's been sitting in front with Jarrod.

Crimson has been getting tired of sitting in her carseat. A lot of it seems kind of boring to her. She's enjoying the trip, but not as much as Simeon. She likes it when we stop and she can get out.

Eliana seems to ok with it. She likes sleeping on the cabover. She's easy though. As long as she's fed and rested she's happy. I was getting car sick. Not too bad, though. I think it was just a combination of bing hungry, tired, and always moving. Or, so it seemed. I'm enjoying the opportunities when we're not moving.

Jarrod is, I'm sure, tired of driving. I wish I could help him out. I know it helps for me to take the kids for a walk so that he can rest peacefully. I know he's glad the stress of the radiator is over now.
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