Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Potty Training Again!?

Yes, it is now Crimson's turn.  I so wish someone would start a business where they come into your home and potty train your child in like 3 days or less.  I would seriously pay for that. 

Several times I've considered giving up and trying again later.  Why does she have to be potty trained at two?  Who makes these rules?

On another note:  We were all in the kitchen and Simeon says to the girls (who were playing under the table), "Don't worry, children, Papa has to go to work, but he'll be back."  It was too cute.

1 comment:

  1. Ugh. Potty training. How I did NOT enjoy that! LOL! Recently the Hubs wondered if maybe we really should have that one last baby I wanted. Then I thought about potty training. We're sticking with the 3 we have! LOL!

    And there IS no rule that they must be trained at 2. Try it for a bit and if she isn't ready, she isn't ready. My boy/girl twins were totally ready at different times. Bethany was 2 1/2 and Logan was 3 1/2. Do what works for you and the child- there's no right answer.

    Thanks for visting my blog. I'll be back to yours!
