Saturday, August 22, 2009

I love my kids!

Last night Simeon climbed up into his bed with an armload of toys. He had a toy gun, tamborine, a stuffed car, and something else that I don't remember. It reminded me of when he was smaller. He would cry for a toy car any time he went to bed. If you gave him more than one he would line them up next to him. There were times that we would keep cars in our room in case there weren't any in his for bedtime. I am glad he's outgrown that, but it was cute. He even went to bed with a toothpick holder that's a train a couple of nights.

Crimson is a girly girl. I can't be prouder. Any time a dress or pair of shoes come in the mail she'll go, "oooohhh" and want to try it/them on. When I'm getting her dressed I'll tell her it's time to do her hair. She'll go to the bathroom, put her little stepstool in front of the mirror, and stand there while I do her hair. Sometimes I'll give her the hand mirror so she can actually see.

Eliana loves to smile. So much so that sometimes she'll smile in the middle of a cry. She's just starting to get ticklish. It's cute. She coos now too. For the first time I had to shush her more than once in church Wednesday night. Simeon and Crimson started shushing her too. Of course none of this worked. Evidentally she had something to say and was determined to do it. She has two litttle dimples right by her mouth. I call them her daddy dimples, because Jarrod has those dimples too. For the past month she has been sucking and chewing on her fingers. Sometimes it looks like she's trying to stick the whole thing in there. Here's a video of her.

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